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제목 왜 우리는 내륙 나이지리아 국경을 폐쇄했나?
첨부파일 등록일 2019-11-25 조회수 881

나이지리아 관세청장 Hameed Ali. PHOTO: 가디언지

9월 15일에 나이지리아 관세청장이 이민청장과 함께 내륙 국경을 방문한 후 국경 폐쇄 명령을 내렸다.

국민의 건강, 안전을 위함이 그 주요 원인이다.

“Our interest is to make sure that our country is secure, the well-being of our people is ensured and our economy is secure.

우리의 관심은 안전과 국민의 웰빙과 경제를 수호하기 위함이다.

나이지리아는 내륙 국경을 니제르, 카메룬, 베닌 공화국, 차드, 그리고 걸프만의 기니등과 마주하고 있고 이들 국가로 부터 많은 이들이 직업을 구하러 오기 때문에 이러한 조처는 상당한 반향을 불러 일으켰다. 그럼 구체적으로 어떤 이유로 국경을 폐쇄했을까?

청장말을 인용하면, '우리는 인근 국가들 없이 비지니스를 할 수 없지만 쌍방간에 법규 준수도가 너무 낮다. 이 결과로 무기, 아이들을 죽이는 약품들, 그리고 우리 사람들을 죽이는 불법 무기들이 들어오고 있다.'는 이유이다.

“We cannot do business without you but compliance is lacking between you and our officers. Most of the things we do, we don’t comply with rules and that’s why we end up with weapons, Tramadol that killed our children.

We end up with ammunition that bandits use to kill our people; we don’t manufacture ammunition in this country, if we do it is only from one source and that source is well protected and documented.

본 기사에서는 상당수의 환적 물품도 불법적으로 반입되는 경우가 많다고 밝히고 있다.

사실 해상으로도 불법 제품들은 상당히 많이 유입되고 있는 것이 사실이나 내륙은 전혀 규제가 되지 않고 있고 그 문제가 심각하다. 내륙 국경을 통해 나이지리아를 방문하는 사람들의 대부분은 여권도 없다. (따라서 서아프리카에서 여권이 있다는 것은 그나마 어느 정도의 경제적 수준이 된다는 것을 의미한다) . 그런 측면에서 문제점에 대해서는 공감하나 나이지리아 관세청이 내린 조처는 너무 극단적이라는 생각을 지울 수 없다. 결국 나이지리아도 많은 것을 잃기 마련이며 국경을 폐쇄하기 보다는 국경에 위치한 관세청, 이민국 직원들에게 제대로 된 시스템과 교육을 시키는 것이 장기적으로 볼때 바람직하기 때문이다. 실질적인 조처없이 얼마 동안이나 국경을 막을 수 있을까? 그리고 그 이후엔 과연 문제가


아래는 가디언지 원문..

The closure of Nigeria’s borders by Federal Government was undertaken to strengthen the nation’s security and protect its economic interests, the Comptroller-General of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), retired Col. Hameed Ali, has said.

Speaking during a meeting with border stakeholders, comprising freight forwarders and security agencies on Thursday at Seme, Ali said that the closure was not intended to hurt anyone but to protect the nations interests.

“Our interest is to make sure that our country is secure, the well-being of our people is ensured and our economy is secure.

“The step we have taken is in the interest of Nigeria, the step is not to hurt anybody but to protect our own interests as a nation,” he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Ali was accompanied at the meeting by Nigeria’s Ambassador to Benin Republic, Kayode Oguntuase, Comptroller General Immigration, Mohammed Babandede and Brig. Gen. E.A Ndagi, Coordinator of Joint Border Security Exercise, among others.

The NCS boss said that lots of things had gone wrong regarding compliance with transit of goods, adding that the border closure was to ensure that things were streamlined so that all stakeholders could be back to doing the right things.

“The idea is to ensure that the protocol that is involved in transit of goods and trade facilitation is adhered to so that we will all live and complement each other.

“The operation is undertaken to ensure that we get things back in perspective; we know the right thing, it is well written, we are all aware of it, we used to practise it, so we must go back to that.

Ali said that the freight forwarders were critical stakeholders at the borders and urged them to ensure compliance with the rules regarding transit of goods.

“We cannot do business without you but compliance is lacking between you and our officers. Most of the things we do, we don’t comply with rules and that’s why we end up with weapons, Tramadol that killed our children.

We end up with ammunition that bandits use to kill our people; we don’t manufacture ammunition in this country, if we do it is only from one source and that source is well protected and documented.

“But today, we have seen many of this ammunition in Nigeria, where are they coming from.

“They have compromised with some of us and some of you and I say to our officers; that weapons, that bullets you facilitate in transiting into Nigeria, you don’t know who will take it.

“The bandits, the armed robbers had no choice, your mother, my children, your sisters might be shot by that weapon,” the customs boss said.

He called for support and cooperation of the stakeholders to ensure the nation is protected.

“We need your support, we need your cooperation and understanding, our national interest is over and above any issue,” he said.

NAN reports that the joint-border security exercise, code-named ‘Ex-Swift Response’, which was ordered by the Federal Government, commenced on Aug. to secure Nigeria’s land and maritime borders.

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